Complete of training course for the entry- Level audit assistant 2024

On June 28, 2024, in Hanoi, AASC Auditing Firm Co., Ltd held the Closing Ceremony for the annual training course “Training Class for Entry-Level Audit Assistant 2024”. Attending the Closing Ceremony of training course was Deputy General Director_Mrs. Do Thi Ngoc Dung, responsible for training and quality control, representatives of departments leader, along with 60 trainees from the Company's departments, branches and offices.
The training course took place from June 17, 2024 to June 28, 2024, with the participation of experienced lecturers. The trainees received basic training in professional expertise, professional ethics, communication skills, teamwork and detailed auditing for some of modules. The training course provided practical and useful knowledge, helping the Entry-level Audit Assistant quickly grasp their work in a professional and effective manner. Accordingly, they completed the program well with high academic results. The Company hopes that the Entry-level Audit Assistant will always enhance their professional knowledge, practice professional ethics, and maintain good health to have interesting experiences, continuously learn from their senior colleagues and provide customers with the highest quality services.
The Ceremony ended in a cheerful and enthusiastic atmosphere. The trainees had the opportunity to interact with the department leaders through a tea party to connect, understand, and love the iconic address at No. 1 Le Phung Hieu, Hanoi - a place that will accompany and support them in developing careers and continuously shining in the future.
Here are some photos from the training class:


