Nguyen Hoang Phan Long

Nguyen Hoang Phan Long

Thursday, 07 August 2014 09:05

Standards on quality of mobile messages

The Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) promulgated Circular No. 07/2014/TT-BTTTT taking effect from 15/1/2015 and providing national technical standards on quality of short message service on the Public Land Mobile Network.

Quy chuan tin nhan di dong

These standards will apply to state management agencies and enterprises providing short message service. The quality of short message service on the Public Land Mobile Network will be managed according to regulations of State and the MIC.

In addition, these standards will serve as a basis for users supervising the quality of short message service on the Public Land Mobile Network.

Successfully delivered and received messages must account for 92% of total messages.

It is required that the times of successful assess to service is more than 95% out of total assess according to the standards.

The delay time to access the service successfully is set at less than 5 seconds (average) and the rate of successfully delivered messages is no less than 92% out of total messages delivered (excluding false messages).

Enterprises proving short messages in Public Land Mobile Network must ensure the quality of services according to these standards, conduct procedures of announcement of technical-regulation conformity and be subject to inspection and supervision by competent state agencies.

Responsibilities of enterprises providing message services are also detailed in regulations on telecommunications service quality control of Circular No. 08/2013/TT-BTTTT of the MIC.

Additionally, Vietnam Telecommunications Authority and Department of Information and Communication are responsible for guiding and implementing the management of quality of message service on Public Land Mobile Network as prescribed in these standards.

Source: Portal of the Ministry of Information and Communications

Friday, 01 August 2014 08:24

“Donating blood - Lighting hope”

Following the work plan of the Youth Union in 2014 and according to Plan No. 81-KH/ĐTN-BTC dated 30/06/2014 of the Standing Committee of the MoF Youth Union regarding the organization of blood donation campaign 2014, in response to the movement “Red Journey-Connecting Vietnamese blood”, on 31/07/2014, members of AASC Auditing Firm Youth Union participated in Blood Donation Ceremony organized by MoF Youth Union and National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion.

Giving blood to save people’s lives is a noble gesture, a precious tradition of Vietnamese people in general and AASC Auditing Firm in particular. Members of AASC Youth Union have enthusiastically participated in the movement, donating blood and bringing hope to patients. Particularly, Mr. Vu Xuan Bien - Manager of Auditing Department No. 2 and Mrs. Nguyen Hoang Trinh, Deputy Manager of Project Auditing Department and a number of AASC Youth Union members also donated blood this time, after giving blood in the movement 2013. This movement was a meaningful act, showing great humanity and mutual affection between Vietnamese people and attracted numerous citizens to take part in. This is also one of activities spreading the spirit and tradition of solidarity as well as responsibility of AASC Auditing Firm to the community, to the auditing and consulting profession.

Photo of the ceremony

Hien mau anh 1


Hien mau anh 2

Hien mau anh 3

AASC Youth Union

Following policies of the Communist Party of Vietnam (the CPV) and the Government on transformation of state-owned enterprises into joint stock companies, since 2003, AASC has provided business valuation for equalization service to a large number of clients and achieved significant successes in this field. AASC has not only affirmed its prestige in the country but also has been a trusted consultant of numerous enterprises and organizations in building financial solutions and managing business efficiency.

Professional services supplied by AASC have always been trusted by diversified clients nationwide. After the completion of business valuation services, most companies have asked AASC to provide further consultancy services to fasten the equitization progress and business valuation services (stage 2) for the transformation from State owned companies to joint stock companies as well as auditing financial statements of joint stock companies after equitization. Numberous enterprises under Ministries and localities, General Corporations have trusted in AASC services for years. Recently, Airports Corporations of Vietnam under Ministry of Transportation and Corporation 36 under Ministry of Defense have also appointed AASC as consultant on business evaluation for equitization.

Tong Cong ty 36

General Director of AASC and General Director of Corporation 36 at the ceremony of signing consutancy contract


On the morning of July 21, 2014, in Hanoi, the Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountant (VACPA), held an annual meeting of directors of auditing companies 2013-2014. The meeting was chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Thai Hung, Director of Accounting & Auditing Policy Department and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Van Ta, Chairman of VACPA. Attendees at the meeting  include leaders of departments of the Ministry of Finance (the MoF), State Securities Commission, professional associations and over 60 accounting firms in Northern Vietnam. Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC Ngo Duc Doan also took part in and delivered speech at this meeting.

Under the authority of leaders of the MoF, Director Dang Thai Hung summarized and evaluated the situation of auditing profession in 2013 and announced 2014 direction. In general, operating results of auditing firms in 2013 showed positive signs and witnessed a boost in both scale, revenue, number of clients and services as well as service quality provided to clients. Among Vietnamese auditing firms, AASC maintained its leading position in the aspect of revenue with over VND 130 billion achieved. Particularly, AASC revenue from auditing finalization reports of completed constructions reached over VND 30.7 billion, which kept AASC at top in the independent audit profession. Director Hung also announced the direction for independent audit profession in 2014 and resolutions to tackle misstatements in the operation of auditing firm, aiming to build a more transparent audit market.

Speaking at the meeting, Assoc. Pro. Dr. Tran Van Ta - Chairman of VACPA reported on the operation of the association in 2013 and shared useful information in organizing training course for continuing professional development, establishing 10 Vietnamese standards on auditing (stage 2), promulgating 37 prevailing standards. Chairman Tran Van Ta also hoped that with the support from the MoF, professional associations such as ACCA, CPA Australia, etc. VACPA and its collective members as weill as individual members will positively contribute to independent audit profession in the time ahead.

As  the leading one among Vietnamese auditing firm and a collective member of VACPA, AASC Auditing Firm commits to close cooperate with other auditing firms to develop professional knowledge and skill, enhance professional ethics of auditors to provide clients with diversified and highest quality services and significantly contribute to the development of independent audit profession.

Photos of the meeting

Hop Giam doc Anh 1

Director Dang Thai Hung summarized the situation of independent audit profession in 2013 and announced 2014 direction

Hop Giam doc Anh 2

Chairman of VACPA Tran Van Ta reported on the operation of VACPA 2013 and shared information of VACPA training courses

Hop Giam doc Anh 3

Leaders of more than 60 auditing firms and professional associations at the meeting




(ĐTCK) Dẫu môi trường cạnh tranh ngày càng gay gắt, nhưng AASC, một trong hai DN kiểm toán đầu tiên của Việt Nam vẫn có số lượng khách hàng lớn, doanh thu nổi trội và trở thành niềm tự hào của làng kiểm toán Việt. 

Ban Lanh dao AASC

Ban Lãnh đạo AASC

Lượng khách hàng đông đảo và đa dạng

Sức ép cạnh tranh trên thị trường dịch vụ kiểm toán ngày càng gay gắt, khi có sự góp mặt của đầy đủ các thương hiệu kiểm toán lớn trên thế giới. Các DN kiểm toán này thừa hưởng lượng khách hàng lớn từ các hãng quốc tế cũng như cổ đông nhiều DN niêm yết có tâm lý “tin dùng” dịch vụ kiểm toán ngoại, nên có lợi thế cạnh tranh so với các công ty kiểm toán trong nước. Một số công ty kiểm toán nội chọn con đường hợp nhất, sáp nhập để gia tăng sức cạnh tranh. Trong bối cảnh đó, AASC đã nỗ lực giữ vững truyền thống và không ngừng vươn lên, bồi đắp thương hiệu.

Những năm qua, AASC luôn nằm trong Top 5 DN kiểm toán (liền kề Big 4) có doanh thu, hệ thống khách hàng và có số lượng kiểm toán viên và nhân viên lớn trên thị trường. Số liệu của Hội Kiểm toán viên hành nghề Việt Nam (VACPA) cho thấy, AASC hiện đứng thứ 2 toàn thị trường về số lượng khách hàng và đứng thứ nhất trong hệ thống các công ty kiểm toán Việt Nam về doanh thu. Lãnh đạo AASC cho biết, năm 2013, đã có tới trên 1.160 khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ của Hãng, thuộc nhiều loại hình DN và hoạt động trong mọi lĩnh vực của nền kinh tế, từ các tập đoàn, tổng công ty nhà nước, công ty có vốn đầu tư nước ngoài, đến các công ty niêm yết, các dự án đầu tư xây dựng cơ bản, các dự án do các tổ chức tài chính quốc tế tài trợ…

Xây dựng bản sắc riêng

Để có được hệ thống khách hàng đa dạng về thành phần, lĩnh vực hoạt động, “trong suốt hơn 23 năm qua, AASC luôn đi đúng tôn chỉ, mục đích là công ty kiểm toán thuần Việt cung cấp những dịch vụ có chất lượng cao, vì lợi ích hợp pháp của khách hàng”, lãnh đạo Công ty chia sẻ.

Việc AASC trở thành thành viên của HLB Quốc tế - mạng lưới các hãng kiểm toán và tư vấn quản trị DN với khoảng 1.900 chủ phần hùn và trên 14.000 nhân viên tại hơn 100 quốc gia - từ năm 2011 cũng nhằm đem đến cho các khách hàng những dịch vụ tốt nhất và đạt tiêu chuẩn quốc tế.

Dẫu vậy, lãnh đạo AASC vẫn còn không ít trăn trở. Dù có số lượng khách hàng đứng thứ hai thị trường, song AASC vẫn cần tiếp tục phấn đấu, tăng trưởng doanh thu, từng bước rút ngắn khoảng cách với các DN trong nhóm Big 4.

Để cùng hoạt động với các công ty kiểm toán Big 4 tại Việt Nam, AASC không chủ trương cạnh tranh đối đầu, mà hướng tới những lĩnh vực, những phân khúc thị trường ít cạnh tranh hơn mà Công ty có ưu thế riêng. Với ưu thế là một trong hai DN chuyên ngành đầu tiên của Việt Nam, AASC luôn nổi trội với thế mạnh cung cấp dịch vụ kiểm toán, tư vấn tài chính - kế toán và thuế. Đặc biệt, về dịch vụ kiểm toán báo cáo quyết toán vốn đầu tư, AASC là công ty kiểm toán đầu tiên thực hiện dịch vụ này và là một trong những đơn vị có số lượng khách hàng và chất lượng dịch vụ tốt nhất trên thị trường. Theo báo cáo tổng hợp của VACPA công bố năm 2012 và 2013, AASC đứng đầu về doanh thu dịch vụ kiểm toán quyết toán vốn đầu tư hoàn thành, đứng thứ 2 về doanh thu dịch vụ kiểm toán cho các tập đoàn, tổng công ty nhà nước.

AASC cũng là một trong số ít công ty kiểm toán của Việt Nam được lựa chọn vào danh sách ngắn của WB và ADB cùng nhiều tổ chức tín dụng để kiểm toán dự án do các tổ chức này tài trợ.

Dịch vụ xác định giá trị DN và tư vấn cổ phần hoá của AASC nhận được sự tín nhiệm của đông đảo khách hàng. Nhiều DN đã tin tưởng yêu cầu Công ty cung cấp thêm các dịch vụ tư vấn để đẩy nhanh tiến trình cổ phần hoá, tư vấn xác định giá trị DN...

Không chỉ đi sâu vào những phân khúc có thế mạnh, cung cấp những dịch vụ mang bản sắc riêng, AASC còn tăng cường hợp tác với các DN trong ngành. “Hiện AASC đã và đang hợp tác với các công ty trong Big 4 cũng như một số công ty kiểm toán lớn trong nước. Thực tế cho thấy, việc hợp tác giữa các công ty kiểm toán đem lại nhiều lợi ích cho các bên, giúp tăng cường chất lượng và gia tăng giá trị dịch vụ”, lãnh đạo  AASC chia sẻ.

Nguồn: Báo Đầu tư -  Cơ quan của Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư

In order to implement the Law on Independent Audit and development strategy of AASC according to Vietnam Auditing and Accounting Strategy towards 2020, with a vision to 2030, under the direction of the Board of Directors, from 23/06/2014 to 04/07/2014, the Training and Quality Control Department, in collaboration with the general affairs departments, has organized a training course for newly hired 59 employees of AASC in 2014.

During 2 weeks of the training courses, all trainees have tried their best to study, acquire professional knowledge and practical experiences from lecturers. With the assistance and supervision of lecturers, trainees have experienced requisite disciplines and basic requirements of AASC working environment and been equipped with necessary knowledge and skills to take part in some audit sections of the audit courses.

At the ending ceremony, Mr. Ngo Duc Doan - Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC congratulated and praised trainees with high results in the exam at the end of the training course, offered words of criticism to ones with bad results and requested leaders of departments, new employees of AASC to successfully implement and complete the assigned tasks.

Also at the ending ceremony of the training course, on behalf of new employees of AASC, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Truong expressed his proud of being a new member of AASC and sincere thanks to AASC and lecturers for organizing the useful training course and sharing the precious practical experiences. Mr. Truong also pledged to strive for mastery and contribute positively to the development of AASC. In addition, Mr. Dao Trung Thanh, new audit assistant of AASC in Ho Chi Minh city, expressed his happiness to join the training course, where he could not only study with new trainees from Hanoi and Quang Ninh, but also build new friendship through extracurricular activities.

AASC believes that, with the success of the training course 2014, new employess will get acquainted with the company working environment quickly. They will become new outstanding staff and remarkably contribute to the sustainable development of AASC - the Vietnamese prestigious auditing firm.

Photo of the ceremony

AASC dao tao tan nhan vien 2014 anh 1

General Director Ngo Duc Doan congratulated all new employees and assigned tasks to leaders and new employees

AASC dao tao tan nhan vien 2014 anh 2

Manager of Training and Quality Control Department Do Ngoc Duc summarized results of the training course

AASC dao tao tan nhan vien 2014 anh 3

Audit Assistant Nguyen Xuan Truong expressed ideas at the ending ceremony


Aiming to empower AASC Communist Party, on 02/07/2014, in Ho Chi Minh city, a ceremony to appoint new party members including: Mr. Nguyen Thai, auditor, Deputy Director and Mrs. Le Kim Yen, auditor of AASC branch in Ho Chi Minh city was successfully organized.

After the appointment ceremony, in order to implement AASC development strategy according to Vietnam Auditing and Accounting Strategy towards 2020, vision to 2030 approved by the Prime Minister, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC Ngo Duc Doan announced Decision No. 40/2014/QĐ-AASC dated 26/06/2014 designating Deputy Manager of Project Auditing Department Duong Hai Vu as new manager, working at AASC Branch in Ho Chi Minh city.

This appointment has reinforced AASC presence at Ho Chi Minh City to provide clients in Southern Vietnam high quality professional services of auditing and consulting. AASC BOD believes that, Mr. Vu, with extensive experience and firm knowledge through many years working at AASC, together with leaders, auditor and official of AASC Ho Chi Minh, will remarkably extend the company market share in Ho Chi Minh City and positively contribute to the sustainable development of AASC Auditing Firm.

Photo of the ceremony

AASC to chuc ket nap anh 1

Members of Standing Committee of AASC Communist Party and 02 newly appointed members

AASC to chuc ket nap anh 2

Chairman of the Member Board, General Director Ngo Duc Doan announced Decision designating Manager Duong Hai Vu

AASC to chuc ket nap anh 3



On the afternoon of 23/06/2014, at AASC head office, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC Ngo Duc Doan received and worked with representatives of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) including Mr. Mark Billington FCA, Regional Director of ICAEW Southeast Asia and Mrs. Dang Thi Mai Trang, Head of ICAEW Vietnam.

At the meeting, on behalf of ICAEW representatives, Mr. Mark Billington introduced the establishment and development stages of ICAEW. With approximate 136,000 members in more than 160 countries and over 130 years working in the field of accounting and auditing, ICAEW has established quality control procedures that satisfy international standards on accounting and auditing applied in the European countries and over the world. Mr .Mark Billington also appreciated the potential of Vietnam economy in general and Auditing, Accounting market in particular. Head of ICAEW Vietnam, Dang Thi Mai Trang emphasized, according to the commitment with Ministry of Finance and following the Memorandum of Understanding between ICAEW and Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants (VACPA), ICAEW will continue to broaden partnership and promote activities aimed at developing high-quality human resources and empowering Auditing, Accounting profession in Vietnam and the Southeast Asia. Dang Thi Mai Trang hoped that AASC will appoint officials with good qualifications and extensive experience to participate in training courses to become members of ICAEW in the coming time.

On behalf of AASC leaders, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director Ngo Duc Doan recognized the support that ICAEW expressed to AASC through the visit of Mr. Mark Billington and congratulated Mrs. Dang Thi Mai Trang to be appointed head of ICAEW in Vietnam - the world's leading professional network in the domain of finance and accounting. Mr. Doan believed that with the credibility and knowledge achieved after years working at the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), the Ministry of Finance and the State Treasury, Mrs. Trang will positively contribute to the establishment and development of ICAEW in Vietnam as well as deploy robustly activities to support auditing and accounting profession. Mr. Doan also hoped that AASC will have a lof of outstanding staff to join ICAEW as its members, and the two parties would foster close cooperation and support each other for the development of independent audit profession in Vietnam.

Photos of the meeting

Lam viec ICAEW


( - On 5/6, a specialized page of “Publicize, disclose business activities of electricity and gasoline” was officially launched on e-portal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) at:

The function of this specialized page is to provide to the people and businesses full and timely legal documents related to the monitoring price, business activities of power and gasoline; information and data related to the price of electricity and gasoline such as retail prices, base prices, world prices, factors and costs forming prices, etc…; and report on business results of enterprises.

The page is to help people and enterprises to monitor the operation of producing gasoline and electricity of enterprises, as well as management activities of the State agencies.

According to the Minister of Industry and Trade Vu Huy Hoang, although the State agencies regularly organize inspection and monitoring activities in the field of electricity, gasoline and publicize available information about the business and production of these enterprises; however, a lot of information have not been publicized and disclosed fully due to lacking of a systematical and continuous implementation.

This publicity activity of the MOIT will gradually overcome deficiencies and shortcomings in the previous time, facilitate people to access a full and impartial business situation of the two industries, and understand the reason of purchase prices of electricity and gasoline.

In the time coming, the MOIT continues to direct relevant units in coordination with e-portal of the Ministry to implement seriously and timely the activities of publicizing information via the specialized page “Publicize and dislcose business activities of electricity and gasoline".

Source: e-portal of the Vietnamese Government.

On 23/05/2014, Ministry of Industry and Trade promulgated Decision No.4579/QD-BTC  supplementing the zoning plan for exploration, exploitation, process and use of gold ore, copper, nickel, molybdenum in Vietnam in 2015, with a vision towards 2025.

Accordingly, the Decision adds three gold ore areas in Ta Phoi commune, Lao Cai city, Trung Chai commune, Sapa district, Tong Sanh commune, Bat Xat district, Lao Cai province to the List of projects  for exploration of gold ore from 2008 to 2015 (Appendix 3 of Decision No. 11/2008/QD-BCT dated 05/06/2008 on zoning plan for exploration, exploitation, processing and use of gold ore, copper, nickel, molybdenum in Vietnam in 2015, and with a vision towards 2025.

The total areas of oreas added to the plan is about 580 hectare.

This Decision supplements Desion No. 11/2008/QD-BCT dated 05/06/2008. Other contents of Desion No. 11/2008/QD-BCT remain unchanged.

This Decision takes effect from the issuance date.

Source: Ministry of Industry and Trade Web Portal

On the afternoon of May 27, 2014, Hanoi, on behalf of AASC BOD, Deputy General Director- Do Manh Cuong and consultant team attended the "Saitama Business Network Reception in Vietnam" workshop organized by the Embassy of Japan, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and Forval Group.  

According to representatives of Saitama authorities, this city already attracted more than 13,000 Japanese enterprises with advantages in the field of automobile industry and manufacturing, construction, food processing, finance banking and so on, some of which such as Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Canon... have invested in Vietnam. Saitama authorities and enterprises consider Vietnam a great potential country with low-risk investment environment and easy technology transfer condition and express interests to continue investing in Vietnam. Representatives of the Embassy of Japan and JETRO also delivered speech on the attracting investment situations in Vietnam in recent years as well as the given supports by these organizations to Japanese enterprises operating and planning to set up business in Vietnam.

On behalf of AASC leaders, Mr. Toshio Sudoh presented updated information on tax policy and other relevant regulations applicable in 2014. AASC consultant team also responded questions of the Japanese firms relating to the new regulations and amendments on Value-Added Tax (VAT), Corporate Income Tax (CIT), Personal Income Tax (PIT) and transfer pricing issues…

Saitama authorities appreciated AASC’s shares at the workshop and hoped to lift up closed relationship with AASC in the like workshops in near future as well as receive professional services rendered by AASC such as Consulting, Accounting, Auditing and Tax. AASC Auditing Firm also committed to support Japanese investors in seeking business opportunities in Vietnam and will be trusted consultant of Saitama enterprises in particular and Japanese enterprises in general during their “doing deals in Vietnam”. 

Photos of the conference

Hoi thao Nhat ban anh 1

Mr. Toshio Sudoh presented and answered questions of Saitama enterprises

Hoi thao Nhat ban anh 2

AASC consultants at workshop

Hoi thao Nhat ban anh 3

Hoi thao Nhat ban anh 4



On the morning of 23/05/2014, in Hanoi , Vietnam Certified Public Accountants Association (VACPA) organized a ceremony to receive Emulation Flag of Ministry of Finance, Labor Best Practice Award and reward VACPA Members in 2013 ". AASC Auditing Firm and 13 members of AASC Board of Management were honored to receive VACPA Chairman’s Certificate of Merit.

Prof. Dr. Tran Van Ta, VACPA Chairman presided ceremony with the presence of representatives of the Emulation and Commendation of Ministry of Finance , Prof. Dr. Dang Vu Minh, Chairman of Vietnam Union Science and Technology , Members of VACPA Executive Board and numerous members and auditors of auditing companies. After receiving Emulation Flag and Labor Best Practice title, on behalf of VACPA Executive Committee, Chairman Tran Van Ta recognized and appreciated the outstanding achievements of members in professional work and positive contributions to the development and operation of VACPA in 2013. In the ceremony, VACPA Chairman awarded Certificates of Merit to 10 collective members and 56 individual members. In which, AASC Auditing Firm is an awarded collective member having individual members contributing effectively to the growth of VACPA and Independent Audit Profession of Vietnam.

Photo of the ceremony

VACPA trao thuong anh 1

VAPCA honorably received “MoF Emulation Flag” at the ceremony

VACPA trao thuong anh 2

VACPA President Tran Van Ta presented Certificate of Merit to AASC Auditing Firm for positive contribution to VACPA operation in 2013

VACPA trao thuong anh 3

VACPA President Tran Van Ta and Vice President Bui Van Mai took photos with members of AASC Management Board at the ceremony


On the morning of May 17, 2014, at Au Co theatre, Hanoi, the award ceremony “Vietnam Entrepreneurs study and follow morality of President Ho Chi Minh” has taken place and televised live in VTC1 Channel, VTC Digital. At the ceremony, Party Secretary, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC Ngo Duc Doan honorably received this prestigious award.

The award honored the enterprising spirit, innovations in leading and managing the enterprise and recognized outstanding achievements and positive contributions to AASC Auditing Firm in particular and Vietnamese Audit Profession in general. This award also encouraged all leaders, auditor and AASC staff to strive for mastery, improve knowledge, study and follow morality of President Ho Chi Minh and positively contribute to the prosperity of Vietnam.

After the award ceremony, on the afternoon of May, 17, at Presidential Palace, General Director Ngo Duc Doan and other awarded entrepreneurs have met up and discussed with Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan.

At the meeting, Ms. Nguyen Thi Doan recognized the significant contributions of awarded entrepreneurs to the country and encouraged them to continue promoting businesses by upgrading technology, improving human resources, innovating management model, building image and maintaining clients’ trust. Ms. Doan also hoped that all awarded entrepreneurs will maintain and bring into play the entrepreneur spirit to achieve more accomplishments, positively contribute to economic development and support national sovereignty protection. To AASC in particular and Vietnamese auditing firms in general, achievements in the fields of auditing and consulting are sincere thanks and respect that all leaders, auditor and AASC staff expressed to the great President Ho Chi Minh.

Photos of the ceremony

DN lam theo loi Bac anh 1

General Director Ngo Duc Doan honorably received the award at the ceremony

DN lam theo loi Bac anh 3

Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan presented medal to Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC Ngo Duc Doan

DN lam theo loi Bac anh 4

Awarded entrepreneurs at the ceremony


On the morning of May 16, 2013, AASC Auditing Firm jubilantly organized the celebration of 23 years of AASC establishment (13/05/1991-13/05/2014), 7 years of successful auction (2/7/2007-2/7/2014), 1 year of launching new brand name (17/05/2013-17/05/2014) and mobilized the emulation movement towards beloved islands and East China Sea. During 23 years of building and development, generations of leaders, auditors and AASC staff together overcame all challenges and difficulties to achieve great successes, bringing AASC to the leading position of Vietnamese Independent Auditing Firms.

Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy General Director Nguyen Thanh Tung reviewed all great moments in the history of AASC, particularly from 2007 to 2014. In which, AASC transformation from a state-owned enterprise to a limited company on 2/7/2007 marked a golden milestone in the development of AASC.

After that, Deputy General Director, Head of AASC Brand Identity Committee, Mr. Do Manh Cuong summarized all ups and downs of AASC after 1 year launching new brand name as well as significant changes in the company’s history. After 1 year, a new dynamic and professional image of AASC has pervaded to clients nationwide and worldwide.

Also at the ceremony, after summarization report of Vice Secretary of AASC Communist Party Le Thi Kim Oanh, Party Secretary, Chairman of the Member Board Ngo Duc Doan presented Certificate of Merit and colorful flowers to awarded candidates in the contest “Writing about AASC” launched by Party Committee and Trade Union. All articles expressed deep feelings and emotions of AASC members and staff for AASC family.

On this occasion, Mr. Doan shared his thoughts and emotions after his visit to Spratly Islands from December 1 to December 12, 2014. Mr. Doan also encouraged all AASC staff to strive for more successes in auditing and consulting, contributing knowledge and efforts to the prosperity of Vietnam and supporting Spratly people. At the end of the ceremony, the rhythm of “Khuc Quan ca Truong Sa”, which was strongly performed by all AASC Board of Director and staff, was a firm declaration expressing the patriotism and eternal belief of AASC in Vietnam.

Photos of the ceremony

23 nam ky niem anh 1

Deputy General Director Nguyen Thanh Tung delivered speech at the ceremony

23 nam ky niem anh 2.png

Deputy General Director, Head of AASC Brand Identity Committee Do Manh Cuong summarized 1 years of launching AASC brand name

23 nam ky niem anh 3

General Director Ngo Duc Doan presented Certificate of Merit to awarded candidate in the contest “Writing about AASC”

23 nam ky niem anh 4

Mr. Doan shared thoughts and called for emulation movements “Towards beloved Spratly Islands”


Tuesday, 13 May 2014 18:20

Spratly Islands in AASC's heart

Anh cong tac Truong sa anh 1Following Decision No. 798/QD-BTC dated 04.18.2014 of Ministry of Finance assigning delegates in financial sector to visit Spratly Islands, the focal point of the whole country in recent days, from 05/01/2014 to 05/12/2014, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC Auditing Firm Ngo Duc Doan, together with delegation No. 9 of Ministry of Finance, participated in the trip to visit and encourage officers, soldiers and people in Spratly Islands and the oil-rig DK1.

In the islands, the delegates have reviewed the preparation and army ordnance as well as encouraged the military spirit of all soldiers and citizens. On behalf of the delegation, team leader Tran Van Vuong, Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Finance, expressed admiration for the determination to overcome difficulties and protect national sovereignty of the army and inhabitants in Spratly Islands and the oil-rig DK1. Mr. Vuong also presented meaningful gift for all workers, soldiers and inhabitants.

Concurrently, witnessing daily life of officers and soldiers in remote islands is a prestigious experience for all members of the delegation. For many people, the flag-raising ceremony has become so familiar, but standing in the shadow of the national flag flying under the blue sky of islands and singing the National Anthem is undebatably an unforgettable memory for every Vietnamese. The image of navy forces taking ten oaths under the flag together with their valiant faces and iron makes every member of the delegations feel secure and strongly believe in their ability to protect national sovereignty.

Back from the Spratly Islands trip, along with deep gratitude for the courage, the spirit of sacrifice of officers, soldiers, people on the island, General Director Ngo Duc Doan shared and called the all members, auditors and AASC staff to strive for mastery, achieve more outstanding achievements in auditing and consulting and positively contribute to the country and support inhabitants of Spratly Islands. AASC Board of Directors, Auditors and employees will always follow situations of Spratly Island, propagate our sovereignty nationwide and worldwide and participate in movements to support Spratly Island soldiers and citizens.

Photos of the Spratly Islands trip

Anh cong tac Truong sa anh 2

 The flag-raising ceremony in Son Ca Island

Anh cong tac Truong sa anh 3

The delegation No. 9 presented meaningful gifts to officers, soldiers and citizens in islands

Anh cong tac Truong sa anh 4

Commemoration of revolutionary martyr sacrificed for national sovereignty

Anh cong tac Truong sa anh 5

Farewell ceremony to Delegation No. 9 in “Truong Sa Lon” Island


23 year AASC.finalTowards 23 years of AASC and Vietnam Independent Profession's establishment (13/05/1991-13/05/2014), 1 year of launching the company's new brand name, the Board of Directors wish AASC's leaders, auditor and staff all the best.

On the morning of 15/04/2014, at AASC head office, No. 1 Le Phung Hieu street, Hanoi, AASC Auditing Firm organized a ceremony to praise and reward employees with high results in ACCA and CPA Vietnam exam. Attendees at the meeting include Mr. Ngo Duc Doan, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC, Board of General Directors, Managers of departments and representatives of new auditors.

Speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of Board of General Director, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director Ngo Duc Doan recognized and praised all new auditors for their efforts to overcome all difficulties as well as their desire to study. Under high pressure of working environment, new auditors not only tried their best to complete all assigned tasks but also upgraded their professional knowledge. In 2013, AASC welcomed 11 new CPA auditors, 01 new ACCA auditor (Ms. Do Hong Thuy), heightening the number of AASC auditors to approximately 80 CPA, 03 ACCA, 01 CPA America. AASC’s staff with extensive professional knowledge and deeply practical experiences is the key factor for AASC’s stable development in the future. The success of AASC’s staff is an excellent result of AASC’s training policies as well as the significant support of AASC Board of Directors to the Company staff.      

Also at the ceremony, Mr. Doan presented colorful flowers and meaningful gifts to new auditors in praise of their good performance in CPA and ACCA exams. Mr. Doan also believed that, the success of new auditors will be a bright example to stimulate other people to upgrade their knowledge and significantly contribute to the prosperity of AASC Auditing Firm.

Photos of the ceremony

Khen thuong KTV anh 1

Chairman of the Member Board, General Director Ngo Duc Doan presented “Awarding Certificate” and colorful flowers to new auditors

Khen thuong KTV anh 2

General Director Ngo Duc Doan made speech at the ceremony

Khen thuong KTV anh 3

Mr. Pham Anh Tuan, Manager of Auditing Department No.1 encouraged all new auditors

Khen thuong KTV anh 4

AASC leaders and new auditors


Towards the celebration of major national anniversaries in 2014 and 69 years of Ministry of Finance’s establishment, AASC Youth Union enthusiastically participated in the 2014 mini football league organized by the MoF Youth Union.

Immediately after opening ceremony on 14/04/2014, first-round matches of the league took place in Minh Kiet stadium, Cau Giay Dist, Hanoi. All stadiums were covered up by the enthusiastic environment from players and audiences. The classy match between AASC and MoF Joint Football team 3, among all matches, drove all audience crazy by exciting situations.

AASC, the league champion in 2 consecutive years (2012, 2013), had a dazzling first half. AASC players, with pace, pressing and incredible energy presented lighting starts to force the MoF team to the baseline. Their work-rate and desire helped keep the MoF players under pressure for almost the entire first half. After numerous opportunities were created, the brilliant forward Nguyen Nhu Tu had a shining day with a hat trick, giving AASC the 3-0 lead after first half and proved that he would be the No.1 seed for “Top Scorer” title.  

The MoF joint football team 3 was a transformed team after the break, with determination rising up and players flooding AASC’s half. Their efforts were made up with 2 goals pulled back to push the match into a new thrilling level. However, AASC showed why they could hold the league cup for 2 consecutive years by cementing the defense and sharply counter-attacking before scoring one more to seize AASC 4-2 victory over the MoF team.   

Grabbing a thrilling victory, AASC proved the strength and skills  of a champion, the strength of solidarity, teamwork and determination. This result brings AASC great advantage to go deeper in the league and motivates all players to achieve the target mission: Win the league cup in 3 consecutive years.

Photos of the match

Giai bong da mini Anh 1

AASC team participating the MoF league

Giai bong da mini Anh 2

Giai bong da mini Anh 4

Exciting match between AASC and MOF joint football team 3


From April 01, 2014, the charges applied to the auction sale of securities according to the Securities Law will be promulgated in Circular No. 09/2014/TT-BTC issued by Ministry of Finance.

Friday, 04 April 2014 08:36

New criteria for classifying bad debts

The State bank of Vietnam has just issued new Circular No. 09/2014/TT-NHNN providing on classification of assets, levels and method ofsetting up of risk provisions, and use of provisions against credit risks compared to Circular No. 02/2013.

During the quarter II/2014, entities which haven not sold all shares, must continue to seek strategic partners; Vietnam Airlines Company endeavors to find strategic shareholders. Maritime; Shipbuilding and Vietnam Railways companies continue to implement drastic restructuring.

According to Decision No. 329/QD-BTC dated February 20, 2014 issued by the Ministry of Finance on implementation of administrative procedures controls of Ministry in 2014, General department of tax already carries out to bring the convenience to taxpayers.

On 25/03/2014, in Hanoi, Mr. Ngo Duc Doan, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC attended the 7th general meeting of Vietnam Football Federation (VFF), tenure 2014-2018 and disclosed audit results of financial statements of VFF for the fiscal year 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and the financial report on annual Financial Assistance Program of FIFA for the 6th tenure of VFF.

In the 6th tenure of VFF, AASC, the leading one of Vietnamese Auditing Firms, provided high quality service of financial statement audit to VFF and consulted VFF on financial and accounting, tax management in accordance with the practical business environment of Vietnam as well as requirements of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). Leaders of VFF fully appreciated the quality of AASC professional services of auditing, financial accounting and tax consultancy and hoped to foster the long-term relationship between two parties in the 7th tenure of VFF (2014-2018). In response, Mr. Doan committed that AASC will, with high prestige of the company, auditors with in-depth professional knowledge and extensive practical experience, the consensus of all staff, successfully implement and complete engagement courses, rendering best professional services to clients in compliance with auditing standards and strict requirements of FIFA.

At 16.15 pm, all delegates at the VFF general meeting voted to appoint AASC as the audit consultant of VFF in the 7th tenure (2014-2018).

Photos of the VFF general meeting

Dai hoi khoa 7 VFF

VFF President Le Hung Dung announced the appointment of AASC as the audit consultant of VFF in the tenure from 2014 to 2018

Bieu quyet VFF

100% of the delegates at the general meeting voted to appoint AASC as the audit consultant of VFF in the tenure from 2014 to 2018


Anh hoa bao cao kiem toan 1For many Vietnamese people, March is generally regarded as the month to praise and honor the woman and the youth. For AASC members, March also means the month to issue our financial statements audited. We consider each of issued audit report as a flower to express our passionate love for AASC. In March, auditors, officers and the whole staff of AASC have excitingly emulated towards the celebration of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union’s establishment day and one year of launching ceremony of AASC Auditing Firm (17/05/2013-17/05/2014), rebranding Auditing and Accounting Financial Consultancy Company Limited (AASC) into AASC Auditing Firm and marking a new glorious milestone in the development of the company.

As statistics of all departments, units and branches, in March, AASC has issued over 1,000 audit reports nationwide like 1,000 fragrant blooming flowers. The scent of flowers illustrated our sentiment for AASC, the pure color of flowers implied the loyalty of all AASC staff to AASC family and AASC building at No. 1 Le Phung Hieu street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi. At AASC, the Youth is encouraged and facilitated to reach their full potential and greatly contribute to auditing and consulting profession.

On the celebration of the 83rd anniversary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (26/03/1931-26/03/2014) and one year of launching ceremony of AASC Auditing Firm (17/05/2013-17/05/2014), AASC wishes that all auditors and AASC staff will always be healthy, energetic and continue contributing significantly to the firm and stable development of AASC.

Anh hoa bao cao kiem toan 2


Following the development strategy of AASC Auditing Firm to 2020, with a vision towards 2030, on a working visit from 21/01/2014 to 25/02/2014, AASC delegation led by Mr. Ngo Duc Doan, General Director of AASC, investigated and undertook the audit course of the Cayson Phomvihan Cultural House construction, a meaningful present of the Vietnamese Communist Party, State and people to Laos.

Accordingly, AASC delegation visited and discussed with Cayson Phomvihan Cultural House Project Management Unit (the PMU) on the audit plan as well as conducted field investigation of the construction. AASC delegation also shared experiences and consulted the PMU on the financial and investment capital management of the project in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Speaking at the meetings, Mr. Doan believed that AASC will implement and outstandingly complete this audit course, provide the PMU professional services with highest quality in response to the trust of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, the Vietnamese Communist Party and the PMU. This working visit of AASC delegation will be a good premise for the development of the long-term relationship between AASC Auditing Firm and the Central Office of the Vietnamese Communist Party.

Photos of the working visit.

Anh khao sat 1

Cayson Phomvihan Cultural House

Anh khao sat 2

 General Director Mr. Ngo Duc Doan visited and discussed with the PMU

Anh khao sat 3

AASC delegation conducted field investigation of the construction


During engagement course of the project “Cayson Phomvihan Cultural House”, a meaningful present of the Communist Party of Vietnam, State and people to Laos, Mr. Ngo Duc Doan, Chairman of the Member Board and General Director of AASC Auditing Firm, attended the ceremony awarding regional prizes to approximately 300 enterprises operating in Vietnam, Lao and Cambodia.

On  February 18, 2014, Moody's issued the report about the outlook of banking system in 2014, which assessed the bad debt ratio of the banking system of Vietnam must be at least 15%.

Monday, 24 February 2014 17:35

Change the basic law of payment in cash

On December 31, 2013, the Government issued Decree No. 222/2013/ND-CP on cash payment (Decree 222). This Decree shall take effect from 01/3/2014.

On 11 February 2014, Circular No. 06/2014/TT-BCT was officially issued by the Ministry of Trade and Industry which regulates on imports based on tariff quotas in 2014 at the rate of 0% import duty for goods originating from Laos.


Enterprises enjoy import tax of 0% for goods importing from Lao

Accordingly, applying import tariff quotas 2014 for two categories of goods with the origin of Laos which include: paddy, rice of all kinds, tobacco leaves and leaves originating from Laos will be eligible for 0 % tax rate in quota conditions.

To be eligible to 0% tax rate, (1) Imported goods must have the certificate of origin form S (C/O Form S) issued by Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and are cleared through custom gates regulated in Annex attached in this Circular; enterprise must be Vietnamese who is allowed to import paddy and rice of all kinds as quota and (2). For leaves and tobacco leaves, only Vietnamese traders who have the certificate of importing leaves as materials following the importing quotas issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade are allowed to import.

This circular takes effect on February 11, 2014.

Vietnam Public-Utility Telecommunication Service Fund (hereinafter called “the Fund”) is a State financial institution under the Ministry of Information and Communications, established to support the implementation of the State's policies on the provision of public-utility telecommunication services nationwide.

Decision No. 11/2014/QD-TTg which is recently issued by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung guides the organization and operation of Vietnam Public-Utility Telecommunication Service Fund.

Accordingly, the Fund will manage financial resources to effectively support public-utility telecommuni­cation service programs; perform the tasks assigned by the Ministry of Information and Communications to coordinate with entities of MOF to organize programs, plans and projects on the provision of public-utility telecommunication services; ensure the right to access telecommunications services for all citizens.

The fund will support loans for telecommunication and Internet enterprises to invest in the construction, upgrade or expand telecommunication and Internet infrastructure and other material foundations in public-utility telecommunication services.

The Fund will support investment in the development of telecommunications infrastructure nationwide, prioritizing infrastructure broadband telecommunications services in rural areas, especially remote areas in extremely difficult, border and island areas where telecommunication enterprises do not operate effectively according to the market mechanism.

Additionally, the fund will ensure the equal right to access telecommunications services to all citizens by providing points of public telecommunications services, particularly in remote areas in extremely difficulties, border and islands, where it is difficult or impossible to set up infrastructure network due to the high investment cost compared to low income of people.

From time to time, the Fund will also support the poor, marginal poverty family and social policy households nationwide to reach public telecommunication services by supporting the price.

Telecommunication enterprises must contribute to the Fund.

The Fund could call for and receive capital from domestic, overseas and other legal organizations to support programs and projects as well as the performance of the task of providing public-utility telecommunication services efficiently.

Annually, the Fund may deduct a portion of enterprise’s contributions to invest in infrastructure, the regular operation and the management of public telecommunications program. The portion will not exceed 5% of the total revenue pursuant to guidance of MOF

Regarding to telecommunication companies which provide services as list of public-utility telecommunication services approved by the Prime Minister must make financial contributions of revenue with concretely up to 5% to the Fund.

Monday, 24 February 2014 17:05

Restructuring Telecommunications Market

If the project of restructuring Vietnam telecommunications market was approved by the Government, Mobiphone will be separated from the Post and Telecommunications Group (VNPT). Meanwhile, Mobiphone will develop strongly, serve customer much better and contribute more to the State.

Tai co cau mobi

Currently, Mobiphone is specialized in mobile communication. Mr. Le Ngoc Minh, Chairman of Mobifone company in court "Negotiations to restructure Vietnam's telecommunications market" organized in the afternoon February 2, confirmed that if being separated from VNPT, Mobifone will deliver more services, including telecommunications to customers.

Mr. Tran Manh Hung, General Director of VNPT said that VNPT had submitted the proposal to the Prime Minister to restructure the corporation with the opinion of not managing two mobile networks at the same time.

Tran Manh Hung said " VNPT has researched several plans, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of both financial and economic factors as well as benefit of millions customers ...  They also discussed with Ministry of information and communication to find the solutions for healthy financial picture and significant grow in future, therefore, they jump to conclusion to separate Mobiphone.

According to Pham Hong Hai, Director General of Telecommunications, Ministry of information and communication, the plan for separating Mobifone from VNPT has the pros as follows. Firstly, Mobiphone currently has a strong brand-name in the telecommunications market. Secondly, Mobiphone can take opportunity of operating independently to overcome Vinaphone. Thirdly, when separated Mobifone, VNPT still ensure healthy development in the future.

"The equitization of State enterprises is currently concerned by the Government. When restructuring plan is approved by the Government, it will help all equitization of Government business is processed more quickly "Mr. Pham Hong Hai emphasized.

Also at the seminar, experts and analysts said that if Mobiphone becomes an independent enterprise and has the ability to compete with Viettel and VNPT Group then, the market will form at least 3 relatively strong businesses, create balance for competitive telecommunications market and sustainable development.

Source: The Electronic Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

On January 3, 2014, the Government issued Decree No. 01/2014/ND-CP regulating on foreign investors’ share purchase from Vietnamese credit institutions. 

According to the Decree No. 01/2014/ND-CP, Vietnam dong is used in foreign investors’ share purchase and sale transactions in Vietnamese credit institutions.

In addition, the shareholding percentage will not exceed 5% of charter capital of a Vietnamese credit institution for a foreign individual and will not exceed 15% for foreign organization (except for the case of a foreign strategic investor whose shareholding percentage shall not exceed 20% of charter capital of a Vietnamese credit institution).

In case foreign investors purchase shares that leads their shareholding level to be 10% or more of charter capital of a Vietnamese credit institutions, they must meet the following requirements: Being ranked by international prestige credit-rating organizations from the stable level or equivalent or higher level; the share purchases does not create the exclusivity or limit the competition in the Vietnamese credit institution system; not violating seriously Law on Monetary, Banking, Securities Market within 12 months until submission of dossier of share purchase and especially having total assets at least equivalent to USD 10 billion for foreign investors being banks, financial companies, or finance-leasing companies or having the minimum charter capital equivalent to USD 1 billion for foreign investors being other organizations. 

Especially, foreign investor being organization owing 10% or more of charter capital of a Vietnamese credit institution is not permitted to transfer shares owned by it for other organizations or individuals within at least 3 years from owning 10% or more of charter capital of such credit institution.  

This Decree takes effect from February 20, 2014. 

                                                                                                                                 Source: Translated from Vietnamese version

On December 26, 2013, the Government issued Decree No. 219/2013/ND-CP on management of borrowing and repayment of foreign loans of enterprises (companies) is not guaranteed by the Government.

On December 31, 2013, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) issued Circular No. 35/2013/TT-NHNN guiding the implementation of some provisions on the prevention of money laundering.

According to the latest report of Rubber Economist Ltd, rubber yield of Vietnam is forecasted to increase 1,5%, to 995,000 tons in 2014 (after increasing 14%, to 980,000 tons in 2013).


With this amount, Vietnam will overtake Malaysia to become the third largest rubber producing country in the world.

Meanwhile, the rubber production of Thailand – the first largest rubber producing country in the world -could increase 4.2% to 3.74 million tons and the rubber production of Indonesia – the second largest rubber producing country in the world – could increase to 2.1% to 3.16 million tons.  

                                                                                                                                       Sources: Translated from the vietnamese version

On 26/12/2013, the Government issued Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP regulating in detail and guiding on the implementation of the Law on Corporate Income Tax (CIT).

Accordingly, from 01/01/2016, all subjects who currently are applied the CIT rate of 22% will officially be applied the tax rate of 20%. The CIT of 20% for People’s credit fund and microfinance organizations will decrease to 17%.

Before that, the CIT rate applies to all business is still 22%. Especially, the CIT of 20% will apply to business which has annual total revenue of no more than VND 20 billion (including cooperatives, manufacturing entities, trading goods and services entities). Accordingly, the basis to identify whether the business subjected to the CIT rate of 20% mentioned above is their last year total revenue.

The CIT rate from 32% to 50% is applied to the exploration, exploitation of oil, gas and valuable resources in Vietnam. In detail, the 40% or 50% CIT rate apply to resources mines (including: platinum, gold, silver, tin, wolfram, antimony, valuable stones, rare earth or mine which has more than 70% of its area which is in extreme socio-economic difficulties  area and is on the list of areas enjoying CIT incentives according to legal regulation.

For exploitation, exploration of oil and gas, depending on the position, mining conditions and its deposit, the Prime Minister will decide the CIT rate to each project and business entity according to the proposal of Minister of Finance.

This Decree will take effect from 15th February, 2014 and will apply to the tax period of 2014 and forward.   

                                                                                                                            Source: Translated from Vietnamese version

( - Minister Nguyen Bac Son emphasized in the review conference in 2013 and implementation plan 2014 of Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group on January 10, 2014 that restructuring of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is the main mission in order to improve capacity, competitiveness and performance of SOEs, as well as form the foundation for sustainable development of economy in accordance with the resolutions of the Party, National Assembly and the leadership of the Government.

From 16/01/2014 to 17/01/2014, at AASC’s head office, Mr. Darryl Swindells, a member of HLB International Quality Control Unit reviewed and assessed the audit and financial accounting consultancy documentation of AASC Auditing Firm – a member of HLB International.

The review has been quickly and effectively conducted, strictly following the working schedule thanks to the cooperation between AASC and HLB International as well as AASC’s willing to exchange experiences in the management and improvement of service quality in accordance with international standards and practices. AASC’s Board of Directors, Department of Training and Quality Control, auditors, technicians and the whole company staff have been fully aware of AASC's spirit and will try their best for a YEAR OF QUALITY AND CULTURAL IMPROVEMENT OF AASC. After the strict review in compliance with quality control policies of HLB, Mr. Darryl Swindells has given a good technical grade on audit and financial accounting documentation of the company. Additionally, Mr. Darryl Swindells also supported and provided AASC advices to improve the quality of audit documentation and professional services. At the meeting to summarize the results of the review, Mr. Darryl Swindells committed to positively support and assist AASC in quality control of auditing and consulting services to provide clients professional services with HLB and international standards.

Photos of the meeting

HLB ra soat anh 1

HLB ra soat anh 2

HLB ra soat anh 4


Following the development strategy of AASC Auditing Firm, from 06/01/2014 to 10/01/2014, Mr. Ngo Duc Doan, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC and Mr. Do Manh Cuong, Deputy General Director of AASC, in collaboration with HLB International and HLB Thailand, have visited and worked with partners in Myanmar. The main objective of this trip is to survey, research and seek for opportunities to expand AASC professional services in auditing and consulting to Myanmar as well as to communicate and improve AASC’s image and prestige regionally and globally.

The delegate has met and discussed with consulting agencies, sponsors and Association of Vietnamese Investors to Myanmar (AVIM), especially with Win Thin Association, the biggest auditing firms in Myanmar. All parties have exchanged and shared experiences to develop auditing, accounting and consulting services as well as discussed the plan to boost the mutual cooperation to expand market share and increase clients’ number in Myanmar and Thailand. HLB Thailand and Win Thin Association have also pledged to positively support AASC in providing and fortifying professional services in these markets. Concurrently, HLB International proposed to assist AASC to enhance the cooperation with HLB Japan, HLB Hungary, World Bank (WB), Asia Development Bank (ADB).

Photos of the visit

Win Thin








CÔNG TY TNHH HÃNG KIỂM TOÁN AASC tiền thân là Công ty Dịch vụ Tư vấn Tài chính Kế toán và Kiểm toán (AASC) - Bộ Tài chính là một trong hai Công ty đầu tiên và lớn nhất của ngành Kiểm toán độc lập Việt Nam được thành lập năm 1991. Theo số liệu của Bộ Tài chính và Hội Kiểm toán viên Hành nghề Việt Nam (VACPA), AASC hiện nay được xếp hạng thứ 5 về tổng doanh thu, thứ Nhất về doanh thu dịch vụ Kiểm toán quyết toán dự án hoàn thành và thứ Nhì về doanh thu dịch vụ Thẩm định giá.

Thực hiện Thông tư số 203/2012/TT-BTC ngày 19/11/2012 về trình tự, thủ tục cấp, quản lý, sử dụng Giấy chứng nhận đủ điều kiện kinh doanh dịch vụ kiểm toán, ngày 30/10/2013, Bộ Tài chính đã cấp Giấy Chứng nhận Hãng Kiểm toán AASC đủ điều kiện kinh doanh dịch vụ kiểm toán và điều chỉnh lần thứ 2 ngày 02/02/2018 với thông tin công bố như sau:

Tên doanh nghiệp


Tên bằng tiếng nước ngoài

AASC Auditing Firm Company Limited

Tên viết tắt 

AASC., Ltd

Trụ sở chính 

Địa chỉ

Số 1, Phố Lê Phụng Hiểu, Phường Tràng Tiền, Quận Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội

Người đại diện theo pháp luật

1. Ông Ngô Đức Đoàn - Chủ tịch Hội đồng thành viên

2. Ông Nguyễn Thanh Tùng - Tổng Giám đốc

Giấy chứng nhận đủ điều kiện kinh doanh dịch vụ kiểm toán

Số 002/KDKT cấp ngày 30/10/2013, điều chỉnh lần thứ 2 ngày 02/02/2018

Chi nhánh tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh 

Địa chỉ

Tầng 03, Tòa nhà GALAXY 9, Số 09 Nguyễn Khoái, Phường 1, Quận 4, TP. Hồ Chí Minh

Người đại diện theo pháp luật

Ông Ngô Minh Quý

Chi nhánh tại Quảng Ninh

Địa chỉ

Số 8, Phố Chu Văn An, Phường Hồng Hải, Hạ Long, Tỉnh Quảng Ninh

Người đại diện theo pháp luật

Bà Nguyễn Thị Hải Hương T:024-3824 1990 | F:024-38253973 | E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tuesday, 07 January 2014 15:35

10 Highlight News of AASC in 2013

Ahead to 2014, we would like to introduce 10 outstanding events of AASC in 2013:

 1. Launching ceremony of AASC and ACG

Le cong bo Thuong hieu Anh 1The celebration of launching ceremony of AASC solemnly held on 17/05/2013 in Hanoi has been successful. Auditing and Accounting Financial Consultancy Services Company Limited (AASC) has rebranded into AASC Auditing Firm and brought AASC's prestige, one of two first established auditing firms in Vietnam, to a new height.

Le cong bo thuong hieu Anh 2

Along with the announcement of the new name and logo of AASC Auditing Firm, on 17/05/2013, AASC Consulting and Associates Company Limited (ACG) was also launched, aiming to provide clients professional services of financial accounting and tax consultancy…with highest quality.


2. Received and worked with the world’s top experts in auditing and consulting

With the aim of deeply integrating into global professional services of auditing, accounting, financial consultancy…, AASC Auditing Firm has received and worked with Mr. Rob Tautges, Chairman of HLB International and Mrs. Coco Ke Liu, head of business channel development of HLB International. Both parties have actively shared experiences to develop auditing and accounting profession in Vietnam and other foreign countries. Mr. Rob Tautges pledged to positively support AASC to become a brilliant pioneer of Vietnam Independent Audit profession and narrow the gap with Big 4 auditing firms operating in Vietnam.

Additionally, AASC’s Board of Directors has always paid great interest to human resources of the company, prioritizing the recruitment of staff with extensive experience and deeply practical understanding. In order to provide clients professional services with highest quality, on 26/12/2013, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director Mr. Ngo Duc Doan has worked with and officially appointed Japanese expert, Mr. Toshio Sudoh as a new member in AASC Auditing Firm.

Lam viec voi chuyen gia 1Lam viec voi chuyen gia 2

3. Celebration of 15 years putting AASC building into use (1998-2013)

On 09/08/2013, Board of Management and key leaders of AASC Auditing Firm held a celebration of 15 years putting AASC building into use (1998-2013). This building has been an important factor that actively contributed to the development of AASC Auditing Firm and AASC’s spirit, affirmed AASC prestige and position in Vietnam independent audit profession and increased clients’ trust in the Company. AASC has significantly contributed to the stable growth of AASC independent audit profession and its brand name has expanded all over the country, regionally and globally. 


4. AASC signed Memorandum of Agreement with Centre for Sciences and Staff Fostering - State Audit of Vietnam 

On 18/06/2013, at the office of Centre for sciences and staff fostering, State Audit of Vietnam, AASC has signed memorandum of agreement with Centre for sciences and staff fostering, State Audit of Vietnam. This memorandum plays a role as the framework for both sides to promote activities to help and support each other to best comply with the Independent Audit Law, the Law on State Audit and contribute to the strong development of the State Audit and Independent Audit profession


5. Meeting with former leaders of Ministry of Finance

 Following AASC launching ceremony, on the morning of 01/07/2013, Chairman of the Member Board, Board of Management, Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of Trade Union, Youth Union Secretary and representative of the veteran committee of AASC Auditing Firm honorably welcomed and cordially met with former leaders of Ministry of Finance (MoF): Mr. Ho Te, former Finance Minister, Mr. Ly Tai Luan, former Chairman of the National Assembly Committee on Economic and Budgetary Affairs, former Deputy Ministers: Mrs. Pham Thi Mai Cuong, Mr. Pham Van Trong, Mr. Vu Mong Giao, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan (Chairman of Vietnam Valuation Association at present), Asso. Prof., Dr. Dang Thai Hung - Director of Accounting & Auditing Policy Department and Dr. Pham Huy Doan - former Director of AASC. At the meeting, AASC has expressed sincere thanks to former leaders and hoped to continue receiving their interest and assistance to strongly develop and successfully implement the development strategy of auditing and accounting towards 2020, vision to 2030.


6. Thailand Ministry of Transport appointed AASC as consultant for national priority project

 On 20/8/2013, in Thailand, Directorate for Roads of Thailand - Ministry of Transport and consulting group including AASC Auditing Firm – HLB member in Vietnam and HLB Thailand successfully held a signing ceremony of consulting agreement for “Greater Mekong sub-region highway expansion project”. This is one of Thailand national priority projects in the aspects of traffic, economics and relations with other countries coordinated by Thailand Ministry of Transport with total capital investment up to $180 million (approximate to VND 3,800 billion) financed by Asian Development Bank (ADB). The appointment has affirmed the recognition of AASC's capacity and experience in the region and internationally. 

Bo Giao thong Van tai Thai Lan 1

 7. Cordial meeting to celebrate 20 year anniversary of Vietnam Prime Minister’s approval for AASC to rebrand and implement auditing services (06/09/1993 – 06/09/2013)

On the morning of September 14, 2013, in Hanoi, AASC Auditing Firm held a meeting to celebrate 20 year anniversary of Prime Minister’s approval for AASC to rebrand and implement auditing services (06/09/1993 - 06/09/2013). After 2 decades, AASC has not only inherit and promote the company’s core and traditional values but also continuously innovate and enhance service quality and professional knowledge to deeply integrate into global professional services of accounting, auditing, financial consultancy, tax consultancy in conformity with strict Vietnamese and global auditing standards, maintain clients’ and partners’ trust nationally and internationally.

20 nam ky niem doi ten va bo sung nganh kiem toan anh 3

8. Successfully organized AASC’s Communist Party meeting tenure 2013 – 2015 and Trade Union meeting tenure 2013 – 2018

Anh dai hoi Dang bo 2013-2015 Anh 2From 29th November, 2013 to 30th November, 2013, AASC Auditing Firm successfully held AASC’s Communist Party meeting tenure 2013 – 2015 and Trade Union meeting tenure 2013 – 2018. At the meeting, AASC’s Communist Party Committee has affirmed its role in collaboration with AASC Board of Directors to lead, conduct and successfully implement Communist Party’s resolutions of ministries and localities, AASC Board of Members and bring AASC to a new height, being on a par with Big 4 auditing firms operating in Vietnam and greatly contribute to the stable development of Vietnam independent audit profession.

Dai hoi Cong doan nhiem ky 2013-2018 Anh 2

9. 2013 Revenue increased approximately 10% compared to that of 2012

On 26/11/2013, AASC Member Board approved the company’s revenue generated from auditing and consulting services in 2013 of approximately VND 131 billion, growing approximately 10% compared to 2012 revenue. That brings AASC to the top leaders of Vietnamese auditing firms and helps AASC to narrow the gap and gradually be on a par with Big 4 auditing firms operating in Vietnam. Additionally, AASC’s contribution to the State Budget has been remarkably increased and the living standards of AASC’s staff and their families have been improved.

AASC revenue in 6 years of transformation to a limited company with more than two members.

                                                                                                                                                   Unit: million VNDAASC revenue in 6  years

10. AASC Auditing Firm and AASC key leaders honorably received prestigious prize of Vietnamese Communist Party and Government

To recognize and praise AASC’s great achievements in 2012 and significant contributions to the Social Republic building and nation protection as well as the strong development of Vietnamese Independent Audit profession and Finance Industry, on 24th June, 2013, 2013,Vietnamese Prime Minister issued Decision no. 982/QĐ-TTg to award AASC Auditing and Accounting Financial Consultancy Services Company Limited (rebranded into AASC Auditing Firm)  the illuminating Flag of the Government for outstandingly completing  business tasks and leading the illuminating movement of Finance Industry in 2012. On 31/10/2013, the State President has signed Decision No. 2055/QD-CTN to award the Second Labor Metal to Mr. Ngo Duc Doan, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC. On 28/10/2013, the Prime Minister has issued Decision No. 1646/QĐ-Ttg to award merit certificate to Mrs. Pham Thi Thanh Giang, member of the Member Board, Deputy General Director of AASC. On 08/10/2012, the State President issued Decision No. 1546/QĐ-CTN, awarding the Third Labor Metal to Mr. Pham Anh Tuan, manager of AASC Auditing Department No. 1. On 26/09/2012, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 1411/QĐ-Ttg, awarding Merit Certificate to Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hai Huong, director of AASC branch in Quang Ninh.

Hoi nghi nguoi lao dong anh 3Hoi nghi nguoi lao dong anh 4



On 03/01/2014, in Hanoi, AASC Auditing Firm ceremonially held “Labor Conference 2013” and received prestigious awards of the government and communist party of Vietnam.

Attendees at the conference include leaders and former leaders of Ministry of Finance (MoF), the National Assembly Committee on Economic and Budgetary Affairs: Mr. Tran Xuan Ha, Deputy Minister of MoF, Assoc. Prof. Tran Van Ta, Chairman of Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountant (VACPA), Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan, Chairman of Vietnam Valuation Association (VVA), Mrs. Nguyen Thi Cuc, Chairman of Vietnam Tax Consultants' Association, Dr. Pham Huy Doan, former director of AASC, leaders of MoF Department of emulation and commendation, leaders of MoF Trade Union, leaders of MoF Communist Party Committee and Youth Union, AASC Board of Directors and over 180 delegates representing over 370 officers of the Company.

Speaking at the conference, Standing Deputy Chairman of MoF Trade Union Mr. Bui Xuan Ngoc recognized and praised the outstanding achievements of AASC in 2013, despite of Vietnamese difficult economic situation. AASC has reached approximately VND 131 billion in revenue, increase the payment to State Budget, improve employees’ salary as well as their physical and mental health, and increase social contributions. Thanks to these achievements, AASC has honorably received a remarkable number of prestigious awards of Vietnam Government and Communist Party.

On behalf of Finance Minister, Mr. Tran Xuan Ha, Deputy Finance Minister has awarded AASC the Government Emulation Flag for the second time, Mr. Ngo Duc Doan – Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC the Second Labor Medal, Mrs. Pham Thi Thanh Giang the merit certificate of the Government. On behalf of MoF leaders, Mr. Nguyen Van Hoa, Deputy Director General of MoF department of emulation and commendation, awarded a number of merit certificate of Finance Minister to AASC departments and individuals…

Photo of the AASC Labor Conference 2013 

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Standing Deputy Chairman of MoF Trade Union Mr. Bui Xuan Ngoc made speech at the Conference 

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AASC Labor Conference 2013

Hoi nghi nguoi lao dong anh 3

Deputy Finance Minister Tran Xuan Ha awarded AASC the Government Emulation Flag for the second time

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 Deputy Finance Minister Tran Xuan Ha awarded AASC General Director Ngo Duc Doan the Second Labor Medal. 


In order to achieve sustainable growth and render the best professional services to clients, on 26/12/2013, Mr. Ngo Duc Doan, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director of AASC cordially received and worked with Japanese expert Mr. Toshio Sudoh, a new member in AASC family.

Mr, Toshio has accumulated over 30 year experience working in multinational corporations and countries such as Japan, America, French, Netherland and Vietnam. He is regarded by numerous clients as one of leading experts in the field of business management, customer relations and service development.   

AASC believes that, with the great support of the Board of Directors and close cooperation of all colleagues, Mr. Toshio Sudoh will reach his full potential to significantly contribute to AASC’s development, provide clients professional services with highest quality and support AASC to successfully implement Auditing and Accounting Strategy towards 2020, with a vision to 2030.

Photos of the meeting

Anh web 1

 Chairman of the Member Board, General Director and key leaders of AASC discussed with Mr. Toshio Sudoh

Anh web 2

Mr. Doan believes that Mr. Sudoh will greatly contribute to the development of AASC 


Cairns Group Ministerial Meeting of countries having benefits from exporting agricultural goods 38th of WTO was organized on December 2nd, aside from the 9th WTO Ministerial Conference in Bali, Indonesia.

On December 12, 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) held the 2013 ISG Plenary Meeting on the theme "International Economic Integration for Agriculture in Viet Nam: New Challenges and Opportunities".

 The Government has issued Decree No.174/2013/ND-CP regulating on handling administrative violations in the domain of post, telecommunications, technology and radio frequency bands.

According to Clause 4, Article 21 of this Decree, fines from VND 170 million to VND 200 million are applied to one of the violations as follows: telecommunications businesses that dominate the market or telecommunications businesses that possess essential devices use information of other business to compete unfairly or to clear telecommunications service among them for the unfair competition purpose.

Apply the fines from VND 70 million to VND 100 million for telecommunications businesses that dominate the market or telecommunications businesses or possess essential devices takes advantages of their telecommunications networks and essential devices to impede the market penetration, limit, cause troubles to provision of telecommunications services by other telecommunications businesses.

This Decree has 8 sectors, 104 articles regulating on violations, sanctions, fines, remedies, competence to make report and competence to handle administrative violations in post, telecommunications, technology and radio frequency bands.

This Decree takes effects from 15 January, 2014. 

Wednesday, 25 December 2013 14:56

National Radio Spectrum Planning

Prime Minister has just issued new Decision on National Radio Spectrum Planning

Accordingly, the planning divides or allocate the radio spectrum into brands for radio operations and regulatory purposes and regulates the conditions to use those brands

On the occasion of the 69th anniversary of Vietnam People’s Army (22/12/1944-22/12/2013) and 24th anniversary of National Defense Day, with encouragement of AASC Board of Directors and Party Committee, on the afternoon of 20/12/2013, AASC Auditing Firm held a cordial meeting to express thanks to veterans and soldiers currently working at the Company.

Speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of AASC Board of General Directors, Mr. Nguyen Quoc Dung, Deputy General Director expressed sincere thanks to veterans and soldiers for their sacrifice for the independence and freedom of Vietnam. In the peaceful time of the country, the spirit, determination and noble traditions of a soldier are still running through their veins, assisting them to overcome all difficulties and greatly contribute to the sustainable growth of Vietnam. Mr. Dung also recognized, praised and hoped that all veterans and soldiers working at AASC will always be healthy, successfully completed all assigned tasks and contribute more significantly to the development and prosperity of AASC as well as the country. In the fields of auditing and consulting, Uncle Ho’s soldiers are always active, creative and full of determination to help AASC strongly develop and be on a par with Big 4 Auditing Firms operating in Vietnam.

Photos of the meeting 

Gap mat Cuu Chien binh Anh 1


Gap mat Cuu Chien binh Anh 2


Following the success of the Party Committee Meeting of AASC Auditing Firm, tenure 2013-2015 and received the encouragement and direction of the Executive Committee of AASC Communist Party, Member Board and Board of General Directors, on the morning of 30/11/2013, AASC organized successfully the Trade Union Meeting, tenure 2013-2018 with the presence of 123 delegates representing 352 members of the Company’s Trade Union. The meeting was also honored to welcome the attendance of the Standing Vice -President of Ministry of Finance Trade Union Mr. Bui Xuan Ngoc and Director of Ministry of Finance Trade Union Office Mrs. Nguyen Thi Nham.

Speaking at the meeting, the Standing Vice-President of the Ministry of Finance Trade Union, Bui Xuan Ngoc and the Chairman of Member Board, Secretary of the Company’s Party Executive Committee, General Director Ngo Duc Doan praised the operating results of the Company’s Trade Union in the last tenure.  suggested and hoped that the Company’s Party Executive committee will continue to contribute effectively to the protection of the labor rights of their members, building a joyful and professional working environment with high solidarity, encouraging all staff to work more creatively and successfully complete the Company’s political mission, actively contribute to the solid development of the Trade union and the Company.   

On behalf of the Trade Union Executive Committee , the tenure 2013-2018, the President of Company’s Trade Union, Deputy General Director Cat Thi Ha expressed sincere thanks to the leaders of the Ministry of Finance and expected to continue to receiving the attention of the Ministry of Finance Trade Union, the leadership and direction of the Company 's Party Committee and Board of General Directors to the strong development of the Trade union activities, reach more achievements in the tenure 2013-2018, contributing to the development of AASC Auditing Firm to be on par with the Big 4 audit companies operating in Vietnam.

Pictures of the AASC Auditing Firm’s Trade Union Meeting, tenure 2013-2018.

Dai hoi Cong doan nhiem ky 2013-2018 Anh 1

 Mr. Bui Xuan Ngoc – Standing Vice-President of the Ministry of Finance Trade Union made speech at the ceremony

Dai hoi Cong doan nhiem ky 2013-2018 Anh 2

Leader of Ministry of Finance Trade Union and Leaders of AASC presented flowers to AASC Trade Union Executive Committee, tenure 2013-2018


According to the Dispatch No.204-CV/DUTC dated on 4/1/2013 of Ministry of Finance Committee of Communist Party guiding on organizing the Communist Party meeting, tenure 2013 -2015 and with consent of the Standing Committee of Ministry of Finance (MoF) Communist Party, on the morning of 29/11/2013, AASC Auditing Firm Limited Company organized the AASC Communist Party meeting, tenure 2013 -2015. The meeting was honored to welcome Mr. Tran Xuan Tu, member of Executive Committee of MoF Communist Party, Chief of MoF Communist Party Office.

At the meeting, Communist Party Secretary, Chairman of Member Board, General Director of AASC Ngo Duc Doan presented the summary report on activities of AASC Communist Party during tenure 2008-2012, the vision and mission to the tenure 2013-2015 and the self assessment report of AASC Communist Party during tenure 2008-2012. The report stated the most remarkable achievement of AASC Communist Party Committee in the last tenure as well as reviewed the compliance of all activities with the resolution of Ministry of Finance Communist Party; co-operated with the Company’s management board in directing, organizing and completing successfully political missions, promoting AASC to the leading position among Vietnamese Auditing Firms; building the Communist Party more transparently and strongly; keeping focus on well practicing, training and completing all activities of the Party. Concurrently, Secretary Ngo Duc Doan also emphasized and noticed all members of AASC Communist Party to continue to update knowledge, ethics, learn and work following the bright example of the great President Ho Chi Minh, be more active and creative to contribute effectively to the development of AASC Party Committee and AASC Auditing Firm.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Tran Xuan Tu acknowledged and praised the operations and achievements of AASC Communist Party Committee during the tenure 2008-2012, and also pointed out the limitations of the activities of the Party in each department, the effective solution in order to improve the quality of the Party activities.

At the end of the meeting, Secretary of Party Committee Ngo Duc Doan expressed a sincerely thanks to the MoF Standing Committee of Communist Party and Mr. Tran Xuan Tu also believed that with the direction of the AASC Standing Communist Party Committee, tenure 2013-2015, the attention of the MoF Communist Party, the consensus of all Party members, AASC Communist Party will continue to develop strongly, attain more success and achievement to promote the position of AASC Auditing Firm to be on a par with Big 4 auditing companies operating in Vietnam.

Photos of the meeting.

Anh dai hoi Dang bo 2013-2015 Anh 2

Secretary, Chairman of the Member Board, General Director made speech at the meeting 

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Mr. Tran Xuan Tu, member of Executive Committee of MoF Communist Party, Chief of MoF Communist Party Office gave comments at the meeting 

                                                                                                                                                                                 BBTDai hoi Dang bo anh 3

 Executive Committee of AASC Communist Party, tenure 2013-2015


During two days from 25 to 26 November, 2013, the 7th Board of Member’s Meeting of AASC Auditing Firm was organized in the jubilant atmosphere to celebrate the success and the achievement of AASC in the sixth fiscal year and 6 years of transformation from a State owned Enterprise to a Company Limited with more than two members (2007 - 2013).

At the meeting, all members has passed the Comprehensive Annual Financial report for the sixth fiscal year and Financial report of the Board of General Directors with revenue achieved at VND 130 billion, increasing approximate 10% compared to that of the fifth fiscal year. The purpose, responsibilities and plan for the 7th fiscal year of AASC Auditing Firm was discussed actively and in great details by all members. AASC Member Board agreed to adjust the developing strategy of the Company to comply with the accounting and auditing strategy towards 2020, vision to 2030 which has been approved by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Ministry of Finance agree to apply. Accordingly, AASC will continue to focus on developing market and market shares of providing auditing, accounting and financial consulting and tax services, continuously increase quality services provided to clients. In addition, AASC member Board also prioritize the task of developing high-skilled human resources by enhancing training courses; admit a new member of AASC Branch in Ho Chi Minh City as well as begin to upgrade information systems and supplement supporting tools in order to improve the process of conducting auditing and consulting courses.

At the end of the meeting, Chairman, General Director of AASC Ngo Duc Doan believed that with the right strategy and the consensus of all members, Board of General Directors, managers and officers, AASC Auditing Firm will continue developing strongly, being the bright example in the Vietnamese Auditing companies, step-by step developing to be on a par with Big4 Auditing companies operating in Vietnam.

Photos of the meeting

Dai hoi HDTV lan VII anh 1


  Dai hoi HDTV lan VII anh 2


Dai hoi HDTV lan VII anh 3


With the aim of improving management ability to key leaders of the Company, promoting, expanding and increasing Company’s market shares and Auditing, Accounting, Financial Consulting and Tax services quality, from 09/11/2013 to 13/11/2013, AASC Auditing Firm cooperated with PACE Institute of Leadership and Management to organize the training course for AASC senior auditors at AASC head office, 01 Le Phung Hieu Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi. The Board of General Directors, leaders of departments and units of the company, directors of AASC Ho Chi Minh City and Quang Ninh branch participated in the training course delivered by PACE Institution of Leadership and Management’s lecturers with extensive experience and deeply practical understanding.

At the end of the course, on behalf of all participants, Chairman of the Members Board, General Director Ngo Duc Doan expressed sincere thanks to PACE Institution and their enthusiastic, dedicated and experienced lecturers. He also believes that the knowledge and valuable experience gained through this course will be the driving force and the factor motivating all Company’s leaders and auditors to strive up, gain more knowledge and experience, continue improving services quality providing to clients, as well as be more creative, positive and active to achieve the targets and successfully implement the Accounting and Auditing Strategy towards 2020, vision 2030, continue to maintain the leading position in among Vietnamese Auditing Companies.

Photos of the training course.

 Anh PACE 1

Lecturers shared experiences in classroom

 Anh PACE 2

Trainess discussed and exchanged in the training course

 Anh PACE 3

 PACE Insitute of Management granted Certificate to distinguished trainees


Towards the celebration of 50 years of Hanoi Academy of Finance’s establishment (1963-2013), on 10/11/2013, the Accounting Department of Academy of Finance held the 2nd auditing and accounting professional day. Attendees at the event include Board of Director of Academy, lecturers and leaders of auditing firms, accounting and auditing professional associations and numerous students of the Academy. At the invitation of the Accounting Department, representatives of AASC Youth Union and other departments participated in the event and shared precious professional experiences and orientations to the students of the Academy.

At the event, on behalf of AASC Youth Union, Mrs. Truong Thi Hoai Anh enthusiastically shared practical experiences, challenges and requirements of auditing and accounting profession with young students. Such advices would be very useful and critical for young students to build a better professional orientation and realize what it takes to be a good auditor. As a result, they can try their best to strive for success.

Also at the event, AASC Auditing Firm and ACCA, VACPA organized “Auditing Camp” to assist and answer questions of students. At AASC camp, all students of academy had opportunities to meet, discuss and get precious advice and sharing from AASC staff and access to career opportunity at AASC. All students were so excited to learn new experience and knowledge as well as felt the pride of AASC staff. AASC’s camp was always full of young students who were deeply impressed with AASC’s image and working environment. AASC also believed that they will become outstanding members of AASC family in the future, doing their utmost to develop to the sustainable development of AASC – the leading one among Vietnamese Auditing Firms.

Photos of the event

Ngay hoi nghe nghiep HVTC anh 1

Deputy Manager of Auditing Department No. 2 of AASC Ms. Truong Thi Hoai Anh (the 3rd from right to left) shared experiences with students of the Academy

Ngay hoi nghe nghiep HVTC anh 2

Numerous students came to AASC’s camp to explore about AASC, auditing profession and career opportunity at AASC

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Students submitted their application dossier to vacations at AASC – the leading firm among Vietnamese Auditing Firm


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